That last refuge in the shires
The “Tory England” in my earlier post has not yet suffered as a result of immigration to anything like the same degree as the rest of the country. The only immigrants who have ventured into the countryside in any great numbers have been the Eastern Europeans, such as Poles and Lithuanians, who are largely inoffensive and are more likely to integrate into an area rather than causing the area to adapt to suit them, although that may be changing with the arrival of those whom the media like to call “Romanians”.
Also, as they are white, unless one speaks to them, which can be avoided reasonably easily, it is even possible to pretend they are not immigrants at all. In any event those who are likely to be in competition with them for low paid jobs probably don't vote Tory.
On the other hand. most third world immigrants do not tend to be country lovers and have so far gravitated to the large cities and urban areas where they already have established communities, and, of course, there are larger stocks of public housing. In reality the only time you will see a black person in the countryside is in a dairy product commercial on the TV, in order to provide the requisite diversity before rushing back to the city as soon as the camera stops rolling.
Asian business is starting to make an appearance in the shire towns, in the form of curry restaurants, Asian shops or small businesses, and, even in the shire towns overseas qualified doctors are cutting swathes through the elderly population. However, these towns and villages are still massively white, and what diversity there is, is of a level most of us could live with, if we didn't all know where it inevitably leads.
That will not last of course, for a start the fanatics who run our country will not allow that sort of segregation to continue and they will find ways of importing diversity to the shires, but that campaign hasn't started yet, and so far the shires still provide a temporary refuge from what is to come.
Until the inevitable end does come, that flaw in the English character which would rather not make a fuss takes control, and whilst they do not have to confront a problem it is easier to ignore it. I don't think they are “Blissfully unaware of the problem”, as a correspondent at my own blog asked, after all many will have moved away from the urban areas because of the problem, but whilst they can't see it, it is easier not to think about it. Also, if they rely on the mainstream media they will know very little about what is really going on.
Some may even believe that mass third world immigration is a good thing and greet it with pompom waving enthusiasm in the way that only an ideological fanatic or one who is not forced live with its results can do. Some welcome it because they profit handsomely from it but they are a small cynical minority, The other 90% would rather not take a stand on a subject like immigration for the single reason that like most of Britain they have been cowed into obedience by the “R” word. They were conned into believing that talk of “Immigration” made the Tories the “nasty party”, a devastatingly clever trick which still effects Tory party thinking today.
I have never voted Tory, but I know how Tories think. It is because of that word, and because they do not yet have to confront the consequences of the greatest betrayal our nation has ever seen, they can contemplate voting for a man who would sack any member of his team expressing support for that great and rare Tory, Enoch Powell's views on immigration. This despite the fact that, within a generation from now, when Tory England has finally suffered the results of their actions, as they surely will, a Tory voter who does not support Powell's views on immigration will be a rarity indeed.
Of course, then it will be too late, and there will be no satisfaction in saying they got what they deserved, because we will all have paid the price.