Solidarity - The Only Trade Union for Patriots
Solidarity Trade Union - not to be confused with floundering far left political party set up later by Tommy Sheridan - has produced a new A5 recruitment leaflet.Solidarity is an independent Trade Union, but one which all True Brits support wholeheartedly. It was formed as a reaction against the betrayal of the internationalist Unions affiliated to the TUC who many have sold-out their members. Solidarity fights for the rights of the British worker above all else.
Solidarity say, "We are the only union that recognises that the true purpose of a union is to defend the rights and jobs of British workers against the globalists who put British workers out of work by encouraging Mass Migration and do little or nothing to prevent the Off-Shoring of jobs. We understand that the true function of a Union is to represent and promote the interests of its members and British workers generally."Solidarity encompasses all industrial and service sectors within the economy - in one big Union and is already establishing itself as a major independent Trade Union.
The Green Arrow urges all members and supporters of the BNP to read the leaflet, visit their website and to consider joining the Union. For far too long British Workers have been betrayed by the Marxist leaning Unions who are only too happy to support mass immigration and EU expansion which they know full-well has done nothing but adversely affect the Scottish labour force. We have already lost the vast bulk of our manufacturing base, leaving the majority in low paid service industry work, which is the number one sector for employing cheap new foreign labour.
Plagarised from Falkirk BNP
Pat Condell, is he crawling to islam seeking forgiveness? Sounds like it, and he certainly doesn't want to be connected to the BNP.
You can keep your head Pat, and shove it where the sun dont shine.
Solidarity is a scab union whose only interest is to rip off its members. They are merely a front organisation for the BNP. One of the founding members was wanted on terrorism charges. If that's not a dodgy union then I don't know what is.
Green Arrow, there is news on the BNP website regarding this Union and all i can say because i know the people personaly and the true facts involved is that it is lies, to line the corrupt pockets of those who have caused a mutiny of this Union.
It is now a sham and i remove any future support of my writings for the BNP.
Sorry Green Arrow but if something stinks get out of the way.
God bless you
Mt response to this scandal.
God bless you
Hoi, Jonathan Wood, having had a shufti through your blog and read your profile my conclusion is that, if it wern't for the BNP you would have less to say than the nothing you have to say in the first place.
So thank your lucky stars we, THE BNP exist.
You are just a willing fool to be used by the leftys and the islam promoters.
So go do some growing up kid.
Go read all of GA's stuff or Lionhearts stuff, and be in the presence of real BNP men, real Brits, with real things to say, with real experience and genuine love and passion for our country.
Then try to think of something constructive to say in your blog.
Jonathan Wood claims that one of the founding members of the Solidarity union was wanted on terrorist charges. As far as I've read, this individual has paid his debt to society for his past activities in South Africa and he has put his past behind him. I know he has given professional IT services to the union, but I'm not sure if he's a founding member. He wasn't at the AGM in February.
Other trade unionists took part in armed struggles in the past. Cosatu supported the ANC's 'armed struggle. James Connolly who founded the Irish Transport and General Workers' Union led his own paramilitary organisation, the Irish Citizen Army and took part in an armed insurrection in 1916 in Dublin. Coonlly is lionised by the Left in Ireland and Scotland despite (or perhaps because) of this paramilitary activity.
In cntrast, the individual Jonathan refers to has put these things behind him. Something to be commended rather than criticised, I would say.
I was saddened to read the attacks from 'Lionheart'. They would be more in place in the pages of 'Searchlight'.
It is quite despicable to attack Bep the Webmaster of Solidarity. Bep was convicted as a young man for an attempted attack on an empty building (symbolic). He has made it clear that he has put those days behind him and believes that political dialogue is the way forward. Everyone deserves a second chance and Bep is a popular member of Solidarity. We intend to stand by him and support his rights. We are a brotherhood.
There has been an attempt to disrupt the good work of Solidarity. This has failed due to the determined and decisive action taken by true Nationalist leaders Nick Griffin and Patrick Harrington.
Solidarity continues to grow and at our EGM on July 14 we, the members, will deal with the wreckers and traitors Potter/Hawke/McLinden. 'Lionheart' may huff and puff all he likes but we will act as one to crush those who by their actions have offended the fighting Union.
A loyal and proud Solidarity member
The accusation that Solidarity is a "scab union" is offensive. Solidarity supports the right to strike and opposes crossing any picket line. Solidarity is doing bread-and-butter Union work representing those who have been badly let down by the established unions.
Thanks Green Arrow for the support you have given to Solidarity despite the attempts to destabilise our Union. We will certainly remember with gratitude all those who stood by the Union through its tribulations when we have restored Constitutional rule after the EGM on July 14th.
Nick Griffin has shown why he is the best leader for the BNP in the decisive way he has dealt with the wreckers Potter/Hawke/McLinden. He has earned a lot of credit with the ordinary members of Solidarity by calling for an EGM to place it back under our control. He has the vision to understand the potential for a Nationalist Trade Union.
Nick Griffin has posted the following out to his Organisers:-
"SOLIDARITY – nothing worthwhile is ever easy, but we’re getting there!
The independent nationalist trade union Solidarity is now making good progress. General Secretary Pat Harrington has in the last week successfully concluded two cases and taken on another. He acted as union rep for a member at a grievance hearing at the huge Honda plant at Swindon. Whereas our man’s previous union had failed to deal with the matter, Solidarity got the problem resolved. Advice to a member in London with a problem with unpaid statutory sick pay led to the victim of unfair treatment getting the pay that was his proper due. And more good local media coverage has been gained on account of Solidarity representing persecuted BNP teacher Mark Walker, whose case continues and is looking good.
Mark, who is acting as Election Agent for BNP candidate Andrew Spence in the forthcoming Sedgefield by-election, told the BNP website news team that “when I was first suspended on account on my political beliefs, I felt a bit lost and alone. But the support of Solidarity, and the advice on what to do to fight back, has been tremendously useful, both from a practical and morale point of view. And it only costs £5 a month instead of the £14 I used to have to pay to the worse-than-useless N.U.T, who turned their back on me when I needed them most!”
Clearly the need - and potential – for Solidarity is enormous, and we repeat our earlier calls for all nationalist sympathisers in employment to join straight away. The union now has a new official address: Solidarity Trade Union, PO Box 93, Spennymoor, DL16 9AN
It has emerged that a significant number of letters to the old Leicester PO Box were not getting answered. We do not know if this was an internal failure, or if left-wing postmen were interfering with deliveries there. Either way it is essential to stop using that address, particularly for sending money. Any letters or emails advertising or purporting to come from Leicester should be ignored, and any literature advertising that address must be destroyed.
The recent temporary address for General Secretary Pat Harrington, Room 407, 12 South Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1DD is still fine, and should be used by Solidarity members who have not yet written in to support the call for an EGM on 14th July.
More than two thirds of the members have now written or emailed ( backing the EGM, but the remaining members who have not yet signed up to this are encouraged to do so as well so, as to give as near 100% approval as is possible. New members are also entitled and encouraged to add their voices to this call. Please note that Solidarity’s Paypal system is working properly and is in safe hands.
Solidarity members have now been notified of the meeting point for the EGM, which will be held near Brentwood in Essex, starting at 11 a.m. on Saturday 14th July.
The EGM is needed to resolve several problems. Several weaknesses in the existing constitution have come to light – this is really no surprise in such a new and ambitious initiative, but obviously the sooner they are put right the better. In addition, it is essential to tidy up the aftermath of the wholly unconstitutional attempted replacement of the General Secretary by a man only involved a few weeks and already expelled from his local BNP branch on account of disruptive behaviour and strong suspicion of being a Marxist infiltrator.
Among the failed tricks, British National Party members have been told that Third Way people are trying to hijack Solidarity, and TW members have been tipped the wink by the same person that the BNP is planning to purge them! A very clear – and wholly dishonest - attempt has been made to set genuine nationalists at each other’s throats. There are of course policy and tactical differences between the two organisations, but these have no bearing at all on our willingness or ability to co-operate for the common good on this non-party political matter.
Finally, the EGM on 14th July will be asked to agree to the enlargement of the Executive from three to seven. Among those who will be putting themselves forward are Mark Walker’s brother Adam – also a BNP teacher and also persecuted for daring to hold Politically Incorrect views - and Simone Clarke, the brave BNP ballerina, who is also an experienced union rep.
This will bring fresh talent and breadth to the Solidarity leadership and allow it to get on with the job of building a union that will defend the rights of all nationalist workers. The strange and off-putting combination of Searchlight-style fantasy rhetoric (“True National Socialist values”), sickly sympathy for East European scab labour, and suggestions that the union should be “distanced from the BNP”, which has emerged from the old Leicester PO Box will be over for good.
Whether the recent problems were caused by a personal power grab, or a far-left wrecking operation is still unclear. Suffice it to say that, with hindsight, it would not really be surprising if the setting up of an independent nationalist trade union alarmed the far-left enough to provoke an attempt to take it over and strangle it at birth.
If that is what has been going on, it is now clear that the attempt has failed. Solidarity will emerge from these birth pangs stronger than before. A major recruitment campaign will be launched by the middle of this month, and advertising has now recommenced in BNP publications. A Solidarity information stall and workshop sessions will be run at the BNP Summer School and the Red, White and Blue.
In addition, a number of BNP members with experience which could help to build Solidarity and protect its members have been identified and will be receiving targeted recruitment appeals in the hope of getting them involved as well.
In another welcome development, 10,000 special Solidarity leaflets will be handed out on the main12th July Parade in Belfast. Many other unions have over the years gained an ugly reputation for supporting Republican sectarianism, so post-Peace Process Northern Ireland is a promising place for non-sectarian Solidarity. This is particularly true in view of the Ulster Third Way’s long and very constructive attempts to encourage a more ‘family’ atmosphere and to reduce the old sectarian tensions of the Twelth. The BNP isn’t the only organisation to have worked out that bouncy castles have more public appeal than boots!
There is no doubt at all that the far-left are petrified of the potential of Solidarity, both as a union in its own right and as a solid organisational base and union training school, from which BNP members and other nationalists and patriots can in due course set about rescuing other union branches from the clutches of the Marxist left. There are millions of decent, patriotically minded trade unionists in Britain, and they have been herded down a far-left blind alley by just a few thousand hard core extremists and greedy timeservers.
The power and influence of these people is immense but fragile. It is far weaker than the grip of the Labour party in vast swathes of local government. So we look forward to bringing you more good news about Solidarity in the near future, and hope you will join in the meantime.
To keep up with all the latest news from Solidarity, the independent nationalist trade union, log on to"
For more on the wacky world of Clive Potter see:-
The thing that most disturbs me about the actions of Potter/Hawke/McLinden is the way they have colluded with Lancaster UAF - sending them emails and internal documents (some fake and some genuine). Lancaster UAF present Potter and Hawke and the decent, dignified guys in white hats. They would, wouldn't they! They are terrified of the potential of a strong, united Nationalist Union with a determined leadership team centred on our General Secretary Pat Harrington. At our EGM on July 14 the membership spoke and gave a resounding endorsement to Pat Harrington and his actions in safeguarding our Union. It didn't surprise me that the cowards and backstabbers Hawke/McLinden/Potter didn't come to face the members and put their accusations forward. They bottled it. They are yellow, not red, white and blue.
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