Sometimes the truth is unpleasant
I have to be on the road early this morning and literally have minutes before I must leave. So just time to post these links to give you something to think about.
"If we had the chance to go back to white rule, we'd do it," said Solomon Dube, a peasant whose child was crying with hunger when I arrived in his village. "Life was easier then, and at least you could get food and a job."
"I was inspired to get involved in politics by the struggle against bigotry and discrimination under apartheid in South Africa." "I look forward to hearing from you"
Never as Peter Hain, sometimes known as Cuprinhol Man ever admitted that he might have been wrong.
I have read reports from many African countries now "enjoying" democracy, that given the chance, their starving populations would prefer to be ruled by their former colonial masters than starve. Well that just is not going to happen.
By the way this site, needs more "friends" to submit articles. Gotta go.
Good Luck to the British National Party and all their activists.
Peter Hain must be full of self loathing, he must know he is a detestable man but, like many communists they hang round in the background like depleted radiation. Sneaking into the labour party and helping to poison it and succesfully destroyed it. He is afraid to stand under the communist banner because he wouldnt have attracted any votes. He was a terriorist who fled South Africa at a time when black africans from all over Africa climbed over barbed wire and border fences to live a better life in the old aparteid system. There is more discrimination in South Africa now. More victims of corruption, murder, rape and theft thanks to Peter Hain and his ilk. "A plague on the house of this evil man".
The chinese pull the strings in a lot of african nations nowadays!
The whole continent since `de-colonialization` was used as a guinea pig for US/Soviet/Chinese weaponry.
Lets be honest, it just went under another form of colonial rule, replacing european nations with China, US & USSR.
Only South Africa escaped serious military conflict... I wonder why?
I read somewhere that if Mandela went into the townships today someone would probably shoot him!
Celtic Morning. BBC TV last night featured a documentary from Louis Theroux on crime in Johannesburg. It showed exactly what happens when a country takes the levers of power from the hands of the reviled Whitey and gives it over to the saintly Blacks. A once great and law abiding city now dragged into despair and degredation by people who, if you said they lived like animals, you would be insulting animals. Filth, violence, rape and mindless murder with no sense of guilt or regret are now the daily fare. We should leave Africa and its people to their own devices, let them feed themselves or starve. In that way they will reach a sustainable level of population and not the artificially high numbers which are encouraged by western aid. Somalia doubled its population in ten years thanks to aid and yet it cannot produce enough food to feed a fraction of its people. We provide the food, all they are left to do is reproduce, which they manage very well, thank you. What happens when the pitiful babies grow up? They flee to the west as terrorists or spongers and undermine our living standards, gained though hundred of years of civilisation, sweat and tears. When world food production declines along with oil shortages,as it inevitably will, over half of the worlds population will starve. Better they were never born. End all aid now. The same applies to Britain, we are building up a level of population which will not be sustainable. A start in curbing a dependent birthrate should be made by prohibiting polygamy among immigrants and by offering a bounty to feckless women who have proven to be bad mothers, to be sterilised after say two children have proven the parents incompetence to care for them or offer a stable upbringing. This policy would prevent cases such as Baby P or Shannons from Dewsbury whose "mother" had seven kids by six different "men". ( Looking at this women begs the question, were the "men" all visibly or mentally impaired?)The world will be a harsh place in fifty years time, we should take some hard decisions right now.
The Theroux programme was great viewing and I would urge anyone who missed it to watch it if they get a chance.
Want to see the future?
GA: why on earth are you concerning yourself with goings on in south africa, surely its none of your darned buisness...afterall, you have your controlling hate fueled policies in the UK to concentrate on dont you? and by the way, if the 'whites' werent so disgusting in raping africa of its natural resources in teh first place, teh state of disarray would never have occurred, tribal rules would have remained. you make me sick, not content with controlling us in england, youre overly concerned with judging others elsewhere. typical imperialistic behaviour.
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