BNPTV Wales appeal - Day 2
Good morning BNP members and supporters. And it is a good day for Our Appeal to help BNPTV Wales to reach their target of £2,100 and arm them with the weapons they need to attack the enemies of our people.
Here is the state of play as off 11:20, today.
We have received in Paypal donations the magnificent sum of £750 and further pledges of cheques and postal orders in the post to the tune of another £230. These pledges to me are as good as money in the bank when given with the word of a BNP person.
A kind supporter has already donated a similar model tripod to the one required, so we have that which is also excellent news for the guys.
Now I do not know about you patriots but I want Our Boys out on the street as soon as possible and so have just asked them what their minimum operating requirements are. They have just informed me, that whilst the other equipment they require is a must have also, they would be able to go "live" with just the camera, tripod and tapes. I will be posting details of the other equipment later today or tomorrow.
So fellow patriots, I ask you now to try and help us take that figure of £750 up to the required price of £1,200 in the shortest time possible.
This site is visited by sometimes up to 2,000 unique individuals each day. So if just 45 of our readers gave a tenner apiece we would be there. 90 fivers would do equally as well.
Hey and whilst we are at it. The big boys might like to chuck us something also.
Our people are going to go out on the street and put themselves in arms way. True, there will be steps taken to ensure their personal safety and that of the equipment but they will be the ones on the street that will be bringing you coverage of topical affairs and revealing the dirt on the dogs from the Lib/Lab/con alliance.
I am hoping that later today, Roger and Anthony might provide us with some information on their ideas other than those I have mentioned. When I get the information, I will post it.
Please give guys. If they did not need it I would not ask.
Note. I will be publishing paypal account donations recieved display on completion of reaching our target.