First Blood to Adam Walker BNP and Solidarity
Well First Blood goes to Adam Walker, the teacher being persecuted by the establishment for his support of the British National Party.
A leading stalinist trade unionist, Judy Moorhouse was forced to stand down from the kangaroo court of the General Teaching Council because of her previous open hostility to Mr Walker.
"We have determined for it to not be appropriate for Judy Moorhouse to sit as member of this committee.Judy Moorhouse must have been humiliated at being exposed in this way, after all she is in fact the Chairmwoman of the communist GTC. She is also remembered for her double standards over the slap on a wrist given to another teacher, who admitted running up a huge bill for his school ringing up sex chat lines at premium rates and downloading pornography on his schools computers.
“A fair-minded observer would, in the committee’s view, conclude that there was a real possibility that the tribunal was biased.”
Outside the hearing Mr Walker told the large crowd of supporters and fellow members of Solidarity;
The hearing was adjourned to a date to be determined.“Judy Moorhouse has messed with Solidarity, and has stepped down.
“There will be a new hearing with a different panel, and we have thrown a spanner in the works of the establishment.”
“It’s absolutely disgusting that I am in there being hauled over coals by the GTC because of my political beliefs.”
Well done to Adam and all those who turned up to support him. Wish I could have been there. By all accounts the soup laid on for the supporters was superb.
Hat tip: ChesterNationalist
The reality is, they will bring in another extreme communist to take her place - they will make sure of it.
ONLY extreme communists get promoted inside Labour run bodies.
The whole process will be controled by Labour and it's stooges.
The only thing that will save Adam will be his potential to make things as difficult as possible for Labour by dragging the whole process through international courts etc and making as much noise as possible.
Labour may then in light of this potential headache decide to back down IF they feel they may lose.
There will be NO justice imposed by this panel, they will simply back down if the heat is too high for them.
Is it just my pc,or is the Solidarity website down?
There appears to be a problem.
Good Luck to Adam.
The Solidarity website was being moved to a different server so was down for a while. It is back up now.
The Certification Office have just published their reoport on the malicious allegations made by dupes and infiltrators attacking the Union. It can be read at:-
The Certification Office have recently published their report at:-
Genuine Nationalists always knew their was nothing to the allegations. Now this has been confirmed. Anyone continuing with attacks on the Brotherhood while it is fighting a virtual war should be dealt with ruthlessly.
- Art of War
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