Moslems grooming white girls for prostitution
Hi Mate, how is your little girl? She must be about 14 now. Pretty. Like her mum. I see that the young lads around here seem to think so to. Pity they are all Asian though. Strange that you do not see many white lads on the streets these days. It as if they have been driven of them.
Oh well take it easy and I'll see you around.
Please read the information contained in this link here. You will find the information disturbing but informative.
I joined the BNP during Nick Griffin's trial. So far as I can see, he,and Mark Collett were being tried for stating that muslims were grooming young white girls for prostitution and that islam was a wicked and evil faith.
When the BBC did a documentary on the grooming story recently they attempted to make out that the problem was actually more than just a muslim problem, by using the term Asian instead of muslim,and trying include "white Europeans" when they were talking about turks and albanians. I seem to remember them briefly mentioning blacks in the midlands also but offered no evidence.
Suprise Suprise. I seem to remember a leader of a patriotic political party being hauled through the courts- twice - for having the audacity to say these things. Could it be that, at last, the rest of the country is beginning to wake up. Maybe, one day, the sheep people will start to vote for this patriotic party who always seem to be at east one step ahead of the game. Sheep famously follow their leader. The tragedy for Britain is that the sheep people seem intent on following the wrong leaders. When will the stupid baaaaa stards turn, in their flocks, to the BNP? Celtic Morning
I knew if i searched hard enough i'd get some answers.
We were told in 2001 we had just 1.6 million muslims in the uk. today we are fed the lie it's still only 1.7 million.
Now just read this direct from those that would know the Saudis.
Some countries, certainly, have already taken steps to alleviate problems. Belgium and Austria, for example, now officially recognize Islam as a religion. But the bulk of Europe's Muslims do not live in Belgium and Austria. Of a total of 5.4 million, 1.9 million live in France, 1.5 million in West Germany, 1 million in Britain, 500,000 in Italy, 350,000 in the Benelux countries, 40,000 in Scandinavia, 25,000 in Spain and some 5,000 each in Austria, Portugal and Switzerland.
Some problems - the result of social and political neglect - internal. "One of the biggest problems facing Muslim immigrants," says Azzam, "is providing religious education for their children." To resolve it, the Seventh Islamic Foreign Ministers Conference - which met in Istanbul last year - pledged assistance to the Federation of International Arab Islamic Schools set up by Saudi Arabia to provide education for Muslim children whose parents work abroad.
1979 TO 2001 STILL ONLY 1.6 MILL?
2001 TO 2008 STILL ONLY 1.7 MILL?
I heard someone on the BBC today say that there are 56m people in the UK today. I think they're living in the past and it's closer to 75m. Immigration has steam-rollered over this country and is about to flatten it. I wouldn't mind so much if only Parliament and the Executive would acknowledge it and then DO something about it. But, they don't.
Why don't they do something about it? Radical Muslims are a big headache for us but the EU is one enormous pain in the proverbial. We need to get out of the EU by any means we can. My focus of being in the BNP is the EU - it's the main, over-riding factor in all our legislation (including immigration). Don't blame Jamal, blame Jose.
Muslims have a saying, " put the stick about them"
Well its time maybe for the police to be "putting the stick about" these perverts by asking the public for information on any known or suspected pimping, grooming in their area and deal with it according to the law of the land.
Ah, but wait a mo' the police now have to fill in 7 pages of forms with risk assesment etc just to keep an eye on something or some one. Then there is human rights, race, religion to be "sensitive" about.
My father had a good word for every thing that was "not right and proper"
Bollocks! and he wasnt slow in telling folks that either. Diplomacy was not a strong point for him, "if it's not right and proper lad, it's bollocks" and my mother would add "aye it'll all end in tears, you'll see, mark my words"
How right they were and are.
Like the sense of fair play and decent morals of their time, which Im glad to have been brought up with, they have passed on some time ago.
Now there is one group of people, growing by the day, I know of that has a sense of decency and morals, and want all things to be right and proper for all folks and thats the BNP.
So if you are a new reader here and wondering whether to take the first step and join us or not, let me say this.
It's about courage, self respect, self relience.
The courage to stand up and be counted, the self respect to live and conduct yourself and with others in a decent manner, the self relience to look after yourself and those dear to you. The BNP wants these thing for you and our country.
When you have, or develop, all three you can give them away to others by way of example and increase the quality and strength of your own courage, self respect and self relience by doing so.
When you have all three you will be respected by friend and foe. When you have none you will be despised and spat upon, treated like dirt by your own kind and foe alike and by those that are less than dirt.
Our current leaders, by appeasement, have rendered themselves without courage, self respect or self relience. As a result, we,as a nation, are despised, spat upon and treated like dirt.
My father would say it's "Bollocks"
My mother would say "it'll all end in tears, you'll see"
Lets prove them wrong, join the BNP and re-discover your courage, self respect and self relience. You owe it to yourself, but more importantly, to your children and theirs.
Why we need the YBNP -
Why do the police turn a blind eye to this, it's a disgrace, turning a blind eye is not a recent thing, it's been going on for years.
Fair play to Nick and other members of The BNP, they have been trying to alert the press, media, police and politicians for years about it and they have been persecuted for doing so, will they now get an official apology because they have been right all along.
Thank God we have such an honest man leading us.
Maybe the police don't want to upset the asians moslems, no wonder people take the law into their own hands in this coutry.
Our society is a cesspit of evil, scumbags, politically correct idiots and the only light at the end of the tunnel is when The BNP get into power, then we will see all this kind of evil goings on stopped.
I cant digg this
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